Providing cross-functional direction through research and persona creation

After sunsetting a recent version of their platform for coffee shop owners, joe was experiencing resistance to adoption. In order to better understand this, joe wanted to better empathize with their customers.

Personas helped joe gain direction for their sales and marketing directive and inform product roadmapping.

10/18/2021 β€”> 12/31/2021 (2.5 mo)

Survey Monkey, Looker, SendGrid, Aurelius, FigJam

joe - coffee and mobile ordering (Contract)

Quantitative and Qualitative research, Persona creation


The brief

After working with coffee shops closely to support them through Covid, joe wanted to understand their customer's evolving needs in order to make effective product decisions that better suited their customer's goals, environments, and workflows.

As an immediate pain point, joe users were resistant to recent changes in the platform and we wanted to understand what value we could bring them to make the transition frictionless.

Why joe?

joe has made it their mission to give small, indie coffee shops an unfair advantage over corporate coffee by making it just as convenient to order from your local coffee shop. Their commitment to helping local businesses succeed strikes true with my own personal values of investing in my local community.


This project write up is currently in progress, check back later to get an in-depth account of my research process!


Creating a website to be shared cross-functionally

Research is only helpful if it’s shared in a way that is accessible, understandable, and clear. In order to accomplish this, and knowing that this information needed to be shared and understood by sales and marketing, design, development, and primary stakeholders, I created a website that outlined what a persona was, how to use it, and the persona itself. This website could be accessed by anyone within the joe company.

Creating this website meant that stakeholders across the organization could make decisions based on a shared understanding of their clients.

Meet Camille - a persona based on comprehensive research

You can explore the website and meet Camille yourself here!